Monday, September 21, 2009

MONDAY- Class Assignment

Research the Bill of Rights through the links provided:

NCC Interactive Bill of Rights/Constitution

Bill of Rights

1. What is the Bill of Rights?

2. Which 3 of the 10 are most important to you and why?

3. How have our rights changed over the past 200 years?

4. What rights are missing from the Bill of Rights? What would you add and why?

5. Are there rights that we don't need or that you don't agree with? Which would you take away and why?

6. Class Activity- Create a Class Bill of Rights

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Do Now- Friday

Create a Class Bill of Rights


Do Now

1. Review personality. What were 3 descriptive words people used when you asked?

2. Service Action- Contact your representative via email.
Teacher demonstration - follow
to begin.

Class Activity

Research the Bill of Rights through the links provided:

NCC Interactive Bill of Rights/Constitution

Bill of Rights

1. What is the Bill of Rights?

2. Which 3 of the 10 are most important to you and why?

3. How have our rights changed over the past 200 years?

4. What rights are missing from the Bill of Rights? What would you add and why?

5. Are there rights that we don't need or that you don't agree with? Which would you take away and why?

6. Class Activity- Create a Class Bill of Rights

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Wed. Do Now

Sign in to your blogger. Spend 5-10 minutes addressing the questions:

What is personality?

How does our personality affect our choices and behavior?

Wed. Class Activity: Personality Assessment


Go to

Answer YES or NO to the 72 Questions. SEE ME with questions/definitions/clarifications.

Take a screenshot (Shift AND Apple AND 4) of your result:

Follow the Pink/Blue links on your results page
READ the Type Descriptions and Identify your Jung Career

More information on your type an be found at

Answer the QUESTIONS on your blog AND email me your responses

1. What is your type? What do those letters stand for and what do they mean? Example- I am a ENTP- an Extroverted iNtuitive Thinking Perceiver
Extraverted means outgoing, Intuittive means.... etc

2. What was the strength of each preference?

I or E = %
S or N = %
F or T= %
J or P = %

3. What does the Keirsey description call you? Ex. ENTP are inventors

3. What does the Butt and Heiss type description call you? Ex: Clever professor

4. What are 5 personality traits common to your type? Ex; ENTPs are quick witted, love to argue, innovative/ingenius, problem solvers, optimist, but gets frustrated by small obstacles.

5. What 3 famous people share your type?
EX. Michaelango, Walt Disney, Ben Franklin and Thomas Edison share my type

6. What are three careers that are good for your type?
Natural sciences, high school education, and computer science are all good careers for my type. As a high school computer teacher, I have to agree!

7. Do you agree with the results? Why or why not?
Yes, I agree because I love to argue a point, and I consider myself innovative and clever. However, I think that I am more feeling than thinking, so I don't agree 100%

8. Add any additional comments or questions (EC)
I learned a lot about what type of person I am, but where can I go to learn about other types?

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Tues: Do NOW Word Problem

The school would like to purchase 30 laptops for student use. The laptops cost $1600, but the school receives a 10% discount. Schools do not pay taxes because they are non-profit entities.

A. What is the amount in dollars that the school saves on each laptop?

B. How much does each laptop cost after we apply the discount?

C. How much will the school need to spend for all 30 laptops?

D. What is the total savings for 30 laptops from the 10% discount?

E. Explain how you solved the problems.

Email with your responses.

Tues: Class Activity- Set up blog

1. Students will use their google account to create a blog on

2. Students will send their blog url to

3. Students will become familiar with the formatting through creating their first blog post.

Follow teacher demonstration on how to sign in and create a blog. Directions can also be found at Teacher Tube and Youtube

1. Go to

2. Sign in using your gmail address and password



Follow the following naming conventions:

Blog Title - Your Name's Portfolio

Blog Address:

5. Fill in word verification and click 'Continue'

6. Choose a template. Dark backgrounds are difficult to read- please choose a light background.

Choice: 1st blog post (7-10 sentences)

1. My favorite moment in history / My favorite historical figure

2. Choose a character or two from Fever 1793 or The Chocolate War. What impact did they have on the story? How is their life similar to yours? How are they different?

3. What is a problem that affects our world? Why is this a problem? How can we fix it?

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Welcome Week 2!

Objectives for Today:

1. Students will use Photobooth to take a self-portrait and learn to rename and save a file.

2. Students will create a gmail account to facilitate communication between peers and staff, and send their photo in an email to

3. Students will create a google blog to post reflections and assignments as part of their electronic portfolio.
Do Now:
Use Photobooth to take a self portrait.

Drag your photo to the desktop. Rename the file as your first name and first initial of your last name- Example:

Class Activities:
  1. Whole group interactive ice breaker
  2. Follow teacher demonstration to create a gmail account.
  3. Follow teacher demonstration to create a blog.
  4. First blog post- 5 things about yourself that you would like to share, 5 things you learned about your classmates from the first activity, 5 things you learned about the teacher or class.
Homework- Complete any unfinished class activites by Wed. Sept 10

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Proverb Examples

No matter how full the river, it still wants to grow. - African proverb

Every year, more an more people enter the USA to find a better life and more opportunities. Some Americans feel like we don't have the space or resources to help these immigrants, but even if our 'river' is full, we are still going to grow. People will still want to come here for the reasons we discussed- for a better job, for freedom to choose, or to practice religion freely. We get better because of our diversity, and so it makes sense that our river wants to grow.

America Ideals

Why do people immigrate to the United States? What do they hope to find here?

Period 1: happiness, freedom, history, success, rights, liberty, creativity, second chances, expression, religious tolerance, freedom of speech and press, first amendment, bill of rights, diversity

Period 2: money, opportunity, religious freedoms, education, freedom of speech and press, power, family, jobs, food, choice, property/land, shelter, rights, economics, diversity

My Proverbs


Success has many friends.
Topic: Proverbs
Source: (Greek)

I chose this because this country values success. When you are successful, everyone wants a piece of you. When you fail, it is easy to feel alone and like an outcast.

Proverbs and 9/11

Do Now: Test a friend on the common proverbs found at

1. Students will discuss proverbs and literal vs figurative/metaphorical meanings.

2. Students will create a list of words that signify what makes our country great.

3. Students will search for proverbs related to these 'big concepts'

4. Students will pick three proverbs, explain why each relates to the concepts we discussed, and choose an image that relates to the idea expressed.

5. Proverbs and explanations and pictures posted to student blogs.

Links for Proverbs
Afghan proverbs
Chinese Proverbs
Spanish Proverbs
African Proverbs

Homework: Complete assignment. Ask parents one thing they love about the USA and one thing they would change to improve our country.

Monday, September 7, 2009


1. Students will creat a gmail account to facilitate communication between peers and staff.

2. Students will create a google blog to post reflections and assignments as part of their electronic portfolio.

3. Students will learn to use Photobooth to take a self-portrait.

Do Now: Use Photobooth to take a self portrait. Drag your photo to the desktop. Rename the file as your first name and first initial of your last name- example- JaneD.jpg

Class Activities:
1. Whole group interactive ice breaker
2. Follow teacher demonstration to create a gmail account.
3. Follow teacher demonstration to create a blog.
4. First blog post- 5 things about yourself that you would like to share, 5 things you learned about your classmates from the first activity, 5 things you learned about the teacher or class.

Homework- Complete any unfinished class activites by Wed. Sept 10

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Summer Reading

You are expected to read these books and complete the reflections prior to the first day of school. Formal projects/assessments will follow.

Freshman Reading List Read TWO books total.
1. Choose one work of non-fiction:
The Autobiography of Malcolm X As Told to Alex Haley by Alex Haley, OR
A Prayer for a City by Buzz Bizinger

2. Choose one work of fiction:
Fever 1793 by Laurie Halse Anderson, OR
The Chocolate War by Robert Comier

Reading Log: Every 1-3 chapters write a reflection in your composition notebook journal. Reflections should be around 1-3 pages and should address the following questions:

o What is going on in this chapter(s)?
o What issues and/or conflicts are presented in this chapter(s)book?
o What questions do I have?
o Make a personal connection to what you have read thus far.

Welcome Incoming Freshman!

Congratulations! We look forward to meeting and working with you during summer orientations and in September.

Important Dates

Constitutional Convention
Monday through Thursday June 29 through July 2, 9:00 am to noon
Attend Mon OR Tues OR Wed AND Thurs